Tampa Bay Times: Five Big Projects, Five Big Problems Looming

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By Justine Griffin

The city of Tampa is on the cusp of a total makeover. With billions of dollars in investment and dozens of new apartment, condo, office and cultural buildings in the pipeline, the city’s skyline and surrounding communities are poised to look a whole lot different than what it does today.

But dreaming up the future of Tampa doesn’t come without its challenges. For all the promises of a new urban core filled with hotels, parks, food halls and stores, there are also potential pitfalls.

The Tampa Bay Times identified the five key obstacles that stand in the way of some of the biggest projects proposed in Hillsborough County. Many of these challenges are ones local politicians and business leaders have been fighting for years to find a solution. Others are fairly new territory, but still pose a real threat to the region’s continued growth.

Read more here.